My 4 suggestions.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Pizzafrog, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Pizzafrog

    Pizzafrog Builder
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    Sep 25, 2011
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    Well here are 3 things i have thought about over about 3 months. They just popped into my head. I have been meening to make these suggestions a LONG time ago but i kept having to get a new password cause i kept forgetting mine... Well here are the suggestions.

    Suggestion 1: I think tele-ports shouldn't work in pvp arenas. It is SO annoying when someone just tps out when they are about to die. As for people running away, I think there should be doors that are iron and there is a preasureplate outside of the arena. For leaving i think there should be a button that has like a 5 sec delay, with a redstone contraption. Even with these modifications people could still figure out plenty of ways to atack when they arn't in the arena. Soulution: I think you should find a plugin or something that makes it so you cant hurt players unless you are in an area that other people can hit you. So basicly, you cant atack someone unless you are in an arena and they are too. I REALLY HATE IT when people pvp when they are not in the arena.

    Suggestion 2: I think there should be a /mail pay [player name] [amount] [side message]. I don't know about other people, but I think it would be useful. For example: I am a co mayor and i have to send the plot funds to the owner then he gives me 5% of the profits. (I am looking into asking him for a raise.) We are in fairly different time zones so i almost never see him on. (he's ckocik btw.) So lets say i sell a 10x10 plot (which sells for $500) assuming he is not on i would type "/mail pay ckocik 500 I sold a 10x10 plot! =D" Or something like that. So it would say he has mail, and when he /mail reads $500 would be added to his account and he would get the message.

    Suggestion 3: I think in the nether we should add more of a dangeros feel. So i would apriciate it if you could die of hunger insted of going down to 5 hearts. This way the nether has more of a war zone and hardcore feel.

    Suggestion 4: I think it would be interesting if there was a fourth nether rank called "dark summoner" or something. I think it would have all the perks of survivor-termenator plus the ability to maybe in the future spawn a mob where you curser is or something. So like in the middle of a battle you could spawn a zombie in fron of them xD. Of course it would have a cool down. Also you could only spawn 1 type of mob per like 1 hour. Plus different mobs need different amounts of time to charge. FOr example: maybe you could spawn a ghast for like 3 hours or something. I dont think a giant would work out though...
    You get the picture. Well, those were my 4 suggestions. I hope you like them :p. Bye! *phades into shadow*
  2. iEvolive

    iEvolive Epidexipteryx hui
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 28, 2011
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    I like the first 2, but, regarding 3 and 4:

    3) I for one don't carry food in the nether since I die heaps anyway, and when I don't, I have the peace of knowing I won't die from it

    4) kinda pointless seeing as most mobs are pretty weak anyway (in fact there ISN'T a hard-to-kill mob)
  3. Pizzafrog

    Pizzafrog Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 25, 2011
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    What about a dragon? xD
  4. iEvolive

    iEvolive Epidexipteryx hui
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 28, 2011
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    too overpowered, so still no.

    EDIT: beds and nukes...
  5. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    As for mobs being weak - If hunger were to actually kill a player, that means the world difficulty in the Nether would go up. When that goes up, mobs become stronger.

    I don't PVP much, but I do understand people getting frustrated with people who TP away. No idea how easily that can prevented, though.

    Being able to pay a player when they are offline would be nice, but can cause issues. Having a sort of "mail pay" seems like it could be alright... Would just need a plugin for that and some tweaking so it can't be abused or cause much confusion.

    We don't need more ranks. xD As fun as it would be to summon things, that can cause problems. Not sure if a timer could be set with that, either... I can see it more as a donation feature, but that could lead to more harassing. :/
  6. OctavianCloud

    OctavianCloud Builder
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    Nov 1, 2011
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    It looks like for once i almost completely agree with moofink lol. Only thing ill add is about the tping away from arena. While i also find that very annoying i still think it should be allowable. It happened to me twice the other day and since those people ran they just got added to a list i have infront of me of people i wont fight with in arena again or would kill in nether if i had the chance :p it doesnt really hurt my gameplay because someone ran away to save their stuff. Would have been nice to have a couple sets of full diamond armor and enchanted swords, pvp should be done for fun though not to try and turn a profit.