As... many of you know, my 1 year anniversary happened on April 8th, 2013. However, I was absent. Why? I was banned for powertool spamming, purposely. I apologize to andrewkm and WeWinAgain for all of the trouble I've caused. I missed all of you, so very much. You guys do not realize how much you mean to me. I remember being a resident, and I had 6 friends very close to me: ShadowEclipex xvxNODNARBxvx wabbit_season Xacheiree mrcreeper55 and last, but definitely not least, rikari88. mrcreeper55 and rikari88 are still active member,s but the others have since left. However, these 6 bring sad and happy memories back. rikari88 means the most to me, because not only have I been his mentor, he helped me through my personal issues. I can not thank you enough, rikari. I <3 you. When I got mayor, I made many other friends, including: Harryhaz1 producerNL WhiteStarX0312 98brando jjustin0357 Tdogg120 Nicks459 All of you, especially the ones listed above, mean so much to me, and I'm glad to have found out about this server. Thank you all <3333
Congrats buddy. Glad I could help you and I hope things are well for you. I believe you have my skype. Hit me up.