Hello everyone! It has been exactly one year since I joined ECC and it has been incredible. My year has been packed with great friends, great memories and great experiences. I never thought I would become what I am now. I really don't remember my story from the beginning. So I'll just go to the acknowledgements. @Falconaire - I can't thank you enough for what you have did for me. You are the kindest and most helpful person I met on ECC. You were my first friends and always gave me support when I needed it. I couldn't have achieved most of my ECC goals without you. Simple as that! Thanks Falcon! <3 @cracker228989 - Although, I met you recently, you are an extremely kind and sweet person. You are the user in which I have Skyped most and I have enjoyed our calls a lot! I hope we can have more awesome memories in the future! Thanks Cracker! <3 @konan200x - Kon, you are one of the best persons I have met in my life. You are always cheerful and helpful to me and to the community. Thanks Kon! <3 @officepwnz123- OFFUSH! <3 @Iticip - I remember when we met at America and quickly became friends. I have also had great experiences with you and you have taught me a lot. You are a simply amazing person! Thanks Iti! <3 @AdmiralD - Admiral, you are a very wise and polite person. I thank you so much for the memories we had and still have in the IsleTradingCo nation. I hope to keep working with you in the future! Thanks Admiral! <3 @oreo1227 - Oreo, you are an incredible person. I witnessed some of your growth within in ECC. From a President to a Tycoon and from a Tycoon to a respectful and amazing Moderator. Thank you so much for accepting me into the Sweden Mall Staff Team where I learnt valuable lessons and valuable friends! Thanks oreo! <3 @TheN00BISHPanda - For being an awesome friend and for letting me cooperate in his nation as a Vice-President @xpurexcorex - Pure, you have cheered up most of my moments in Skype and in ECC! I can't thank you enough for that already. I'm extremely happy that you revived America so I can stretch my bonds with my old America friends and also to new people! Thanks Pure! <3 @pat2100 - You have also made me laugh hard in some moments. You are so nubbish that you became Moderator and you are doing an awesome job as a friend and as a Moderator! thanks pat! <3 @thomasku11 - You were also one of my first friends in ECC and you sold me my first farm perm. I'm wishing to know you more in the future! Thanks Thom! <3 @Caitlin_Crime - I remember when we met at the Sweden Mall in the old times. You have become a great friend of mine and I'm very glad to be working along with you in America. Thanks Cait! <3 @ChrisDKN - Also, even though we met recently, we had our friendship starting and our first Pokemon battle I hope to have more battles and memories with you in the future! I would also like to tag a group of people here and I want to thank them for being my friends All of you have been a positive influence to me and I like you all equally! <3 @Yokeby52 @lexi731rocs @Physicistsmom @Ninjaboy3113 @salvaotero98 @Tanmanyellow17 @donkey5k @MCHelix3000 @7amoodw @liamfrench @VTFAN8 @dumdum71 @monkeyBUTT244 @BackToThePast @Chundi_Jr @youiyoui1 @Starleana @Zeek87 @williamannin @ATWINKIE @OnSceneReporter @Gogoplatau @Revanrose6 @Dewsy92 @clou44 @Stolio @Joliver1998 @Inamine @nicit6 @Rachel8484 @oxwood2 @frenchhornplayer @_kiwi_cat_ @SparklyPotato2 @matthew_gruber @Ctoolme @Original_Jackson @wolfwoodnyo @TheHolyStick22 @Joseph01234 @Nyancats33 @Nicodemux @everyone - Thanks for being an awesome community! All of you are like a brick in a house and without one, it wouldn't be the same! Thanks everyone! If I forgot someone, please tell me so I can tag you. I hope I stay for more years! Thanks ECC! <3
I would also like to tag @TheN00BISHPanda For being an awesome friend and for letting me cooperate in his nation as a Vice-President
Congrats nico! I'm glad I was a positive influence for you on ECC I hope to see you stay much longer!
Congrats on one year! I'd like to thank you for everything you've done and being so friendly to me. It means a lot. Good luck on your next year! <3