Hello new and current farmers of the Melon vs Pumpkin Farm. Our community of farmers is located on the 4th floor of the town portal room on the diamond road. Our farm includes: -Full PvP zone in the middle near portal (which includes a plane) -Mine-cart Rail to easily access parts of the town -Huge Underground Housing Community -Monthly mining runs (Two Spooky mining run's coming Halloween weekend one for na one for eu) -Two levels of parkour with a third being build on top floor -100x200 Melon 100x200 Pumpkin with Always Fresh Glow-lines for the best farming experience -Heal Sign in construction -Two Lounges in the Top Floor and Behind Pvp -Top Floor Farm with every other crop besides melons and pumpkins Presale perms are on sale pm me in game, will post pictures of the farm asap as well as a welcome video!
Current owners of perms/houses in MvpFarm Blastmeaway kingnick7890 XFLY_ASSAULT Maco20047 Ctoolme asdffea123 @fmfg gavy0204 @rosie1601 @seana15 XRAPIDVSHOTZ
If you are on the list below just comment if you wish to keep builder perms in MvpFarm @2012robo bawssz @Calientey @Higgins6969 jumbo2100 mrstickyninja @o99omnom99o @starwarsdino Tanstaafl/Lurkblader did u purchase perms? Leon1233215 are you still around? nate80000 ? noobtuberX i think you purchased perms, sorry to miss you on the first list.
Since I'm a co-mayor of America now, I use its farm. Would it be possible to give my perms to someone else? If not, that's 100% ok.
I would be glad to have them as a farmer with the membership you have, just list his name and I will transfer the perms.
As of now 5k for perms I have been selling pre-sale perms for 5k but am not sure what will be happening in the future (as I plan on adding as much town features as possible), if your interested I can give you a tour anytime you want just pm me.