Greetings, There was a chat going on in-game and I think there is confusion on the Multi-Home donation feature. We all agreed that first donation brought someone from 1 home to 5 homes. On the Multi-Homes+ pkg, we could not agree if you only got 5 more homes, to a total of 10, or if you went from 5 t0 25 immediately. Some people stated that purchases in order were 5,10,15,20,25,50, etc.. Others stated 5,25,50, etc I am in the second camp. The description reads: "Multiple homes are available for our donators! This gives users the ability to set more than one home location, for easy transportation. At the moment you may set 5 homes. Use in combination with /back and /tpa + /tpahere for the ultimate experience in transportation on ECC. You do -not- need to be a resident to make this donation! This feature does carry over to the nether/aether! The way the feature works is as follows: Multiple homes plus is our Multiple homes expansion! By donating for the expansion you increase your ability to set 5 homes all the way up to 25! From that point on you may donate for the plus package as many times as you like; each time adding 25 additional homes to your account." Since we all agree that first purchase of Multi-Home goes to 5, we shall move on. When purchasing the Multiple homes expansion as is listed in the second paragraph, I read it as follows: "By purchasing the expansion you increase your ability to set your homes from 5 all the way to 25. And each time after that it will increase by 25 more." While I can understand the confusion, after the discussion, that it may mean: " increase your ability to set 5 more homes each time up to 25. From them on it will increase by 25 each time.", I do not believe it reads that way. Could someone please clarify this definitively one way or the other? Thank you in advance. Adieu. - Emau
I can't give you a for sure answer, but I was also under the impression you went up to 25 after the first increase by 5. Also at one point Andrew said that some users could set over 200 homes. I don't see how this is possible if they went up by 5 every time.
It goes from 5 to 25, then to 50, then to 75, and then so on and so forth as many times as you buy it. Whoever said that it keeps going up by five each time is quite wrong.