OK, so I was selling 50 levels of exp for 20K. Mrpublic said he would pay and sent me a tp request. I accept and put down the a sign so we can trade xp. I accidently put down 2k instead of 20K. So I said wait a Sec. But he clicked and logged off and now will not talk to me or give me my money or xp back.
Dash is correct they did make the trade and he made a mistake on the sign and mrpublic will not pay him the 18k
Yeah Public is not obligated to pay you.. You put it in the sign, and he got it for the price you put.. Sorry.
Next time be more careful with your trade signs, and be sure to have the correct amount of money on it. There is nothing we can do about this. You could try to pm Mrpublic next time you see him, and come to an agreement. Locked.