Hi. Im still pretty new to Eco but it is the only server I play on. So anyway my suggestion: Move all Auctions to /spawn or to town so that they are used in the local channel. Its hard to communicate with all the auction spam. And whats worse... Ive pretty much given up trying to auction anything! And when I did auction there was so much spam I lost the persons name that bid on my diamonds. When I finally found out who it was they wouldnt even answer me. So after waiting my turn in auction and selling. I didnt even actually get to sell it and the person just went on bidding on other things. and I lost my place in line so to speak. So furthermore I think this might would help towns not be so dead. The builders could use /spawn local chat and the residents could use there own town chat -amok
someone told me i could /leave auc so that helps with the spam but i jsut started selling my stuff in trade so that solves my prob
We need /ch auction to be Residents+. Would solve many issues - Especially complaints about scamming, and non-auction chat and too many auctions going at once... And it would just be so much easier. :/ Auction chat causes global chat issues, because too many users (Builders) can use it. ..I've seen auction used more as /ch trade than /ch trade, too. lol
I think that was one of the goals of the chat change made a week or so ago. I liked the change but thought builders should have access to trade channel at least. My only knock now is that I wish I had the option of leaving the trade channel too. Right now I have to keep auction and usually global off 90% of the time because its nothing but people using auction incorrectly as a personal channel, trade channel etc. I haven't been able to think of a good way to make people actually read the rules regarding chat or the server. Last night a president I am not going to name said he didn't know monster grinders were illegal, he filled out several applications asking if he read the rules. I asked him if he had and he said, well I "skimmed" them. Auction chat is great when its working or people do it properly but that is very rarely the case. You almost need a plugin that lets you enter a command like /start auction [description] [starting bid amount] then people that want to bid would need to type /bid [amt] and the plugin would announce bids, and only if the bid was higher then current bid and it could be set to where the bid had to increase by x amount so you don't have a lot of dumb bids that are a penny higher. Also the plugin could end the auction if there is no bids after 2 minutes to keep it from being dragged out. I imagine the plugin would record auctions to help with disputes regarding them as to who won and what was being auctioned off. I have no idea if anything like this exists though nor do I have the ability to create it.
thats what im saying make a Trading town and thats where you go when you want to sell. and it would be in a local chat.
better yet have a seperate little town with a podium using a local chat whoever is on the podium is the person auctioning that way you know whos turn it is lol pretty crazy but it might work?