I love ecocity so much it made me decide to go all in to minecraft...this acct is one I got on ebay that im questioning if even legit...im buying a full account...is there a way to transfer my cash and stuff to my new guy or do I have to start all over? Im still a builder but have 11k and really want to stick around ecocity...can I just give my new name to ecocity and server transfer or port everything to my new guy? second what do the glasses icon next to a forum post mean?
If you can log on to ECC then the account is a full account. The glasses mean that you are watching that thread ie you get notifications and email alerts when there's a new post.
They won't transfer accounts for you. If you can log on to mojang.com with an email and password, you shouldn't need to change accounts. It means that you're watching the thread. Whenever someone posts, you will get a forum alert and/or an email depending on what your alert settings are.
I mean my minecraft account is janky, not ecocity account. But I want to port this account and everything in game to my new full minecraft acct
The account "crazyeyes788" is a full minecraft account, otherwise you wouldn't be able to connect to ECC. However, if you want to transfer everything over and never use the old account again, talk to a mod so they know what is going on and they will probably let you give everything to your new account as long as you don't log back in on your old one.
I cant log into minecraft.net with the crazyeyes788 acct... only the actual game, and this is my fourth "game only" login, sometimes they stop working and I have to email the guy on ebay to get another login, id hate that to happen now ive found the ecocraft server. I now have a minecraft.net account where I can change user name, skins, etc. If you gain rank of resident do you get your 15k back or is it gone?
You don't get it back if you rank up. Tell a mod you're going to give all your money and items to a new account and not use the old one. It shouldn't be considered multi accounting since you're leaving the other account. You can log in with both on at once and do /pay. Then put all your items in a chest.
That sounds highly suspicious to me! If it were me, and I'm in no way suggesting you do this, I'd get a real Minecraft account and report the ebay seller to ebay for fraud, and potentially report them to Mojang too. However, I may not have understood what you meant above... and I am suspicious by nature!!
Ya, it is/was to me too...but fact is there is 5-10 sellers of this type of account...shrug, well I've got a full minecraft.net/mojang account now so I'll get it all transferred over and become a resident with my own guy, "stigarose"
If you want, myself, or a member of staff, if they are willing, could hold onto your 11k or whatever and pay it to your new account. Though you should probably explain to the staff that you will no longer be using the old account, just for the record.
I think you are buying dodgy accounts. You may not be the only person they have sold that name and password to. They may be names that were stolen and when Mojang finds them they close them down. You need to get an account from an official source and I think you should report the eBay seller.