As you may know, the 25$ price tag in my opinion, is lacking. Currently, due to MD being down, all we have is /dynmap hide, /hat and /sneak. These aren't even that great. I am suggesting that we add more things to this donation perk, as something like EXT creations, being 5$ cheaper, is significantly better in my opinion. Here are some rough ideas I was thinking of: •A /vanish type thing, hiding you from /who and ignoring all messages sent to you via /msg •
A form of vanish to hide you from /who could be nice, but not from /msg. It's nice being able to message someone you at least know might be there - kind of like on messengers, where people are often on invisible but still talk to some people.
I'm sure other vanishes could be made, or commands that do specific things. :b It could be called /stealth instead or something of the sort.
You shouldn't be able to completely hide yourself from the server. That would cause issues. It's why I said to leave /msg open. Or, if you don't want /msg and /tell to work, have them "disabled" while hidden and only allow the highly unknown command to be used. I won't even say it to keep it more unknown. :b The point is, some stealth added to stealth would not only make it more worth the price, but also make it more like its name. Full-blown stealth is not given to normal players for a reason. :/
This "unknown command" is the one i ALWAYS use and i don't understand why other people don't D: It really, really bugs me. Oh and /r
/r is for replying to /msg. xD And maybe the more unknown command - unless are MORE unknowns I don't know of. o: I think WoW players and other MMORPG players use the unknown one by habit.. That is partly how I know about it. xD
Fire Res = Money + time, so you're deducting that from your end profits. So you save money and time, by buying Stealth.