Hey y'all. i know i have lost my mind recently, but i wanna change that. i wanna just say I'm sorry that offended anyone i offended. Another thing is, i want to get back on track with making some delicious money's . I was thinking mining is the best option. Yet i have been mining so long it's getting a little repetitive. I want to make a HUGE farm... one that grows its self back like reeds. seeing how i could just run through holding left click. I don't know if reeds is a good way of making money?.. I know melons or pumpkins are normally the way to go.. but i don't want a melon or pumpkin farm. Is nether wart farms even worth it? or coco beans? so many questions... I'll just leave you with this... i have 30-ish diamond blocks. 3 stacks of 64 iron blocks. i think 30 gold blocks... ( I don't know because I'm banned right now.) a stack and 32 Lapis blocks. i think i can pull in about 50k-ish with that... Then after i pull in some money i wanna get some donation features. But what do i get first? Water? Fire? Extcreations or commands? This is the part where i need your HELP. comment on what you think. Thanks. Sincerely - TheDiver3
I have some really quick ways to make lots of money auto wheat farming I will probably not be able to look at this till August 30 ish(it will be befor but I know the 30 will work) also the donatio feture u probably want to get next is water and pyro at the same time and I heard that tele is really usful also ect commsnds does not seem usful unless u mostly use non enchsnted tools or u get ect commands + and ect creations might be usfull if u use them alot I do not know u in game so I do not know which donation u want to get first But I will soon have farms for rent/worker use and they will make tons of money rrally fast I hope this helped u any question u might have plz pm me but rember I might not respond to them till August 30 sorry if this is too long I know I am ramblimg a bit to a lot so I will end it here Thx, minecraft4digger
I have seen very good deals on Auto-harvest wheat farms. Lavajok makes them for 10k a farm, and each harvest they make 1.5K. EpicAssassin Added on to this idea, making a 2 level farm, wider, with an AFK rail around it. He also made a building around,instead of making it open, allowing for a control room where chests can be stored. I am wanting to buy this farm. I am sure for 30K He wouldn't mind building you one, as long as they could earn money of of it, while it is being used, lowering the cost, Example: First floor is done, instead of using 10 of their promised 30k, they still you 10K but they won't charge you more if they can make some money of the incomplete farm, by farming it. Maybe even ask D4NTE, If for 30k he would build you a farm, just like his 30 X 30 X 8 wheat farm, harvested by restone lamps. Even try making your own! I am sure these 3 people wouldn't mind letting you tour their farms, and giving you pointers and tips. I find EpicAssassin's to be the best design, with water behind some fences. When the [Gate] Sign is pressed, the fences lift up, allowing the water to flow through 4 block by 6 block sections. After every section there is another section one block lower. It is 6 blocks long, as water flows 7. When 6 it has maximum room, but the water still flows to the end. The water washes away the wheat and seeds to a trench at the end where it can be collected. And AFK rail runs around the top, like a rollercoaster. I think this is the best way to make money in 1.3 as pumpkins have been through 2 nerfs, melons need a silktouch axe to make loads of money, sugarcane is very cheap. Wheat is a very high price and all you need to do is hire someone to plant, ride in minecart, click a sign, sell it to you for under server price, replant..... Scott
Thanks Scott. I appreciate the help i think i will build a hue bedrock to ocean level wheat farm. don't mind i like work And replanting.. sure i can do that keeps me away from people.. sometimes i just need that.
Yay ppl liked my idea I am building a lot of auto wheat farms and I plan on hireing workers and renting them per week if u want to use tell me however they will not be done for a while
i make 16k an hour with a good size melon farm both sksoccers farm and a 200x200 one floor melon farm own by sitomo with an eff 4 unbrk 3 silk pick edited: it was 4k an hour meant 4k every 15min
Omggggg all these amazing ideas and i can't get on :\ i will be able to get on at 1 am minnesota time and imma dig out a HUGE area and make all these farms then go grind exp for a good axe. Love you all that gave me ideas
Another thing, if you get a large supply of soulsand and nether wart, you can now farm it in the mainwirld which means yet another semiautomatic crop. Pretty easy config to setup if you have a friend that does water.