Hello everyone of EcoCityCraft! I am having lots of problems making money in this very hard economy. Please help with ways i could make money. I feel everyone makes more money than me, even builders. Please list ways I could make money and if you could help me. Thanks everyone, TaterPanda
Suggestions: •Play sg •Farm •Mine •Place dirt Mining and playing sg are the ones that require brainwork to do lol.
Easiest and safest way to make money is farming pumpkins, melons, wheat, etc... SG requires awareness of users who have kits, or having kits and skill yourself. As for mining - which is my preferred method - you only need a decent pickaxe (I prefer silk touch, and fortune later in mining world) to make some money, without spending a ton of money in the first place. Other ways to make money are shops; often shops in towns by spawn get sales, but spawn market gets the most. There is also putting yourself out for hire, which means building and clearing for people most of the time. If you have a town, you can usually invest into it (with some research of what type of towns work) and sell plots to make a decent profit. Although, that is assuming the town isn't a farm... but you can always sell perms to large farms, too.
@MoofinK that was very helpful. I am investing in a pumpkin axe and am planning on saving up for a few donations. thanks
Tater - Mine, farm, and vote! And yes, I can help - I purchase items in my buy store at above server prices for most items. The Portal is at Towns4 - Diamond - Quartz ** Also features /warp Cybertron Wishing you success!
And building your own BIG farm isn't something that you necessarily want to do early on. It is probably faster to buy perms to a big farm, they are actually pretty cheap. Now, I never did that myself because I like to build, but, if you want to make money fast, it is probably faster to buy perms to a farm and use it.