Hey, I got a problem with some Mojang Heads. After got the Heads from keys they stayed in default and not changed to what they should look like. I am not sure what i did but i think i was spin more then 1 head at once in the moment i got them (for repeat the bug). Limelush was confirm that the heads not change reason for the bug report. i made a chest with the bugged heads for check up coords of the chest: xyz: 324,5 / 61 / -155,5 Regards o0SchnetzleR0o
Can confirm^ the heads stayed as a default alex skin. I figured this could have something to do with them not loading properly after rolling the mojang keys, but I felt that filing a report was necessary to confirm, rather than speculate.
For me, the Jeb_ head stayed the default Alex skin, but if I recall, it’s been like that since the Mojang crates were introduced