At school today, i was thinking about Ecocitycraft. I thought to myself " How can I give back to the community" Well, I could help out builders. I do that. I can participate in events. I do that also. How can we, as a community, make ecocitycraft a better and more of an enjoyable place? SO I then thought Of Jetscat and Unkownrider, as well as RyanJF1 and Dfat. I thought, " We could have a moderator to Game admin appreciaction day or week." For this I think we as a community can give back to our loving ( yet stern) moderators and admins. They have listened to our complaints, dealt with our crimes, and helped us achieve what ecocitycraft is today. I feel that it is our DUTY to give thanks to our mods, supermods, and all ranks to up and including GameAdmin. They spend their time helping us drive towards a better mining future, as well as making freindships and bonds to our neighbors and people. Our moderators are a big part of our fair server. We need to take into account that THEY are the drivers to our success. If this act is passed I feel that Moderator appreciation week can consist of events that can show truly how much we love our admins. Like a group picture, comments from our crowd. A building dedicated to our moderators, with mini statues representing our moderators and folks up to game admin. As well as how long theve been here, why they wanted to be here. I feel like we should call this building "The Hall of Heros"
This is a truly inspiring idea Campbell. I like to see members that want to take the time to give back to the staff, it's quite refreshing actually. You should get in contact with some of the users that own towns connected to spawn, those areas would be the best for this type of project.