I haven't been on this server as long as some, but I love and am concerned for it at the moment. The situation regarding the loss of mobs in mainworld has caused a multitude of problems, which can be divided under two main points. My first point is that, plain and simple, not having mobs is making people dislike the server. Many people who have been on this server a long time stay with us and trust that this was for a good reason and will be resolved eventually, but I've seen people new to the server get upset and leave over it. I think back now to my first time on this server, and I ask myself if I would've stayed if there were no mobs. And besides newcomers, I saw a good player, TheSycotickGamer leave the server yesterday, and mentioned that one of the primary reasons was lack of mobs. The fact that people are jumping ship even though they have spent so much time and effort on this server is unsettling at the very least. The second point here would be the effect on the economy. This server has an amazing economy, a very realistic and user based economy. Due to the realism here, it's also very delicate. Every pluggin that's changed, every time the game is updated, it effects the economy, for better or for worse. Allow me to take a step back and bring something up. From what I've seen, Andrew is big on a lot of things, but the two I'm focusing on are player market and no easy money. When pumpkins were pushed down to $1.50, everyone was upset, but Andrew said that they would be staying this way and that there wouldn't be any easy money on this server. At the price xp has been going for, this might be the easiest money that has ever been made here. The amount of money you can make by blaze farming far surpasses any means of farming pumpkins. This is probably why we haven't seen more complaints on the matter, everyone's too busy getting rich quick. I'm not a server expert, and I don't know what can be done, if anything. I'd love for to something to be done about this soon, but I know there's been lag problems and other things, however, this might come down to a simple choice. A laggy server or no server at all?