Hi, sorry to complain, but I've just about had enough with the errors in the mobile app. First off is in the number 2 vote. More than 50% of the time, I get "Unexpected Syntax Error Token F" It won't let me go back and vote again, so I lose that vote. Also using the mobile app When I do get 3 votes recorded as successful, I only get 2 or sometimes even 1 Netherstar. I have to use my mobile app and would like it to not throw these errors. I would also love it if there could be all four votes like online. To be fair, often it works without a hitch, but when it doesn't it doesn't with errors. Thanks! Zeldamerchant
I am surprised the voter app still exists... o_o As for the bugs, blame the voting sites - there's no real difference between a browser and the app, both can often fail thanks to the sites. :/
Correct. Not going to pull it, but I will mark it deprecated and to use the mobile format of the site.