Won a magic cat in auction. spawned it in my base, and it was sat down. i couldnt stand up the cat, but its no longer in my base. another problem: my magic parrot's name was reset back to default. its still tied to me, but name is gone
apologize for not responding to this post. keep forgettting to check these. one pet's name was Jason, but it was reset to Magic Pet or something along those lines
@ClarinetPhoenix will need to continue with this bug report. I don't actually know/do much with magic pets as it's her project.
@xWassnt I'm not sure why the name was lost on your parrot - unless someone renamed it with a new nametag, if you do not have interact set to deny on your town other players can interact with your mobs (it is currently set to allow in the town of xwass). We have no logging for this unfortunately so it is not possible for me to say who or when. In the meantime I can replace your cat - I'm still working on examining why named mobs in particular are disappearing but we've not found anything yet Can you tell me what variant and particle color your cat was?