ok what i would like to suggest it that next reset andrew please make it so no structures are generated no spawners no chest just ore stone dirt trees etc etc. reason being i think alot of the spawners cause lag on server even with auto butcher still massive amounts of lag from the mobs main reason is to stop the blatant cheating going on out there. IE people using mini maps radars to find and loot all chest they can and ro destroy spawners( I dont not care about this to much as ive moved to nether now to farm exp) it is the mine world for a reason lets at least try a pure mine world concisting only of trees dirt water lava stone and ores nothing else maybe a flat land or something. it would be good to do this because if no mobs no chest no cheating harder economy things will become harder to get. so yeah at least maybe give it a go.
lol at least post why you think its bad idea before you shoot it down. i kinda think it would be awesome to try every reset try something different then the norm
I would like spawners to stay, however it is really annoying the people with mini maps destroying them. Now the lwc Is gone
I don't see why there is such hate for this. I can understand people want exp, but it should be hard to get. This would also add use to the nether, a currently dormant world, so it is the source of exp like it used to be. You may think builders need exp right? Since 1.3 mining gives exp, I can get 30 levels in under an hour mining, exp isn't that rare. Exp wont spiral out of control with ridiculous costs like it did when mobs were taken out of the main world because of exp from mining. As advocaite has already suggested it would result in less lag, in the nether their would be less spawners but still auto-butcher, therefore lag will only be reduced. This would also take money out the economy as there would be a mad rush for buying nether access. The only thing I disagree with is I think structures should stay just hostile mobs to stop spawning, this would still allow people to slaughter sheep and pigs but would prevent spawners. If you want people to use the mining world for mining, caves are a vital part of mining. I say give this a go if it doesn't work out it can be changed for the next reset, it would just add so diversity to the economy and reduce lag, as well as giving purpose to a unused world. Please is someone wants to disagree give a reason don't just put -1.
I will have to disagree with this, primarily because that would eliminate mob drops completely. As of right now, we have one source of bones, one source of feathers (to make arrows), and 1 source of spidereyes. Eliminating spawners would take these out of the market completely.
We still have blaze spawners for exp and /kit mobs for those items. This suggestion would not remove them from the market but make them more valuable. EDIT: I am not sure if all mob drops are in /kit mobs.
They are all there, but think about it. You only get like 5 of each item. With arrows especially, getting 5 arrows a day will make them all but extinct. Word on the grapevine is that in the next update, it will take more bonemeal to auto grow plants and whatnot. Like with the arrows, 5 a day just will not do.
That's what will make them more valuable. Limiting the supply is going to drive up the price, and that's what we want, right?
We also have mcmmo drops for this im sure andrew will re enable them like some people suggested adding some of the removed ones to soulsand a much less laggy source then gravel and sand,this is ment to be a hardcore economy yet when something suggested actually may give it that hardcore feel people shut it done i agree with mattybillo keep structures for caves and such my main thing is the mobs reduce massive amounts of lag on server for instance i had a spawner i could sit for 4 mins and lag mining world with it(problem dont you think) and that was only a quad spawner, as i say less is best there are may ways andrew can increase drops from other sources i did suggest beefing up /kit mobs also with infinity 1 arrows are next to not needed,there is so many reason why this would be a great idea to at least try and see how it pans out for what 1 month if sont work then fine go back to they way it was the month before. as matty said if you want to shut it down give a decent thought out reason why like t_bone and matty have.
If you want spawners removed from the mining world, then I'll say we have to remove it in nether as well. Anyway, how are we suppose to get things like bone without skeletons? If you want spawers remove, we at least got to make it spawn monsters when its night time.
Quoting advo: ( I dont not care about this to much as ive moved to nether now to farm exp) Yeh that you dont care is ur choice and not the choice of the larger share of the users playing here.
ok i see any suggestion that make actually stop ecconomy from being easy gets shutdown here dotn worry i wont post another one again ( i know when ideas are not wanted ) peace. mod lock this if you like