Minecraft Name: Ndm57dcraft Suggestion: To make pvp partially in the mining world again Reason: Pvp again in the mining world from what i heard was very fun and brought more to ecc. This would be very fun to have other things to do there then mine, Any Other Information: I simply wouldnt want all the mining world pvp, but aleast half of the warps pvp, this would give builders a chance to still mine saftly and those who are risk takers to go to pvp and mine/hunt which would be very fun, im not asking for the to be perminant but for you to give it a try cause i belive this would add alot of fun to ecc beucase ik everyone loved the mining world being pvp Link To This Plugin: Not a pluging simply a permission thingy magigy
Read this: http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/suggestion-mining-world-becomes-pvp.46339/ Many have tried it and failed...
Now now if you accutally read my suggestion i state half of the mining world warps to be pvp, or split the mining world into to, 1-15 pvp 15-30 non pvp simple as that, now you may think but all the mining world is connected they can just run into a pvp warp while in the mining world, what andrew can do like i said is sepereat the pvp and non pvp mining world for example when going to into the pvp mining world when you warped into the non pvp it will say "you have reached the end of non pvp mining world" easy as that, i recommend you read my suggestion for posting on it
many people have tried to get the pvp non pvp and guess what after Andrew said there is a 100% chance the pvp will remain pvp he decided to make it non pvp and add builders... i don't see why some of it can be pvp again
-1 i hated pvp in mining world wont happen its a mining world not pvp world however we shoudl have a pvp world and i dont mean arenas.
Another thing no one noticed: NDM will kill everyone... he thinks he is a god at pvp and there aren't enough people to fight him in full prot 4 with a massive swords level -1
Guys im saying half of the mining world not full, so if oyu dont wana get wrecked you dont go to the pvp mining world, it is for the ppl that want to have lots of fun while fighitng in mining world
+1 I like the idea of this, half the mining worlds would be pvp and they would tend to have more resources un touched. Risk it to get the best materials.
before the mining world was the new "wild" for builders, i would agree however, since most new members are directed to go there to collect resources/money, we cant have heartless people kill them, it would make them very upset, and probably quit.
OK seriously ppl need to read where it says HALF PVP HALF NON PVP so they have a choice of getting kill or not
point taken, and try to calm down a bit please, i'm just putting in my two cents of this However, we do currently have two pvp arenas/four hunger games maps to satisfy your pvp needs. If you're looking for more "traditional" pvp with regular landscape and stuff you could make a suggestion for one of the arenas yet to be made to become one.
Not everyone who plays is into the whole PvP/clans thing, if we did we probably would have gone to a PvP server. This is an Economy server, and I'd like to mine/kill mobs (PvE) and not have to worry about whether or not I've crossed some boundary into the "PvP side". We already have places for PvP such as the Nether World, PvP arena, and Survival Games for that kind of stuff. In fact, isn't the Nether World exactly what you are looking for? I do not see how you could be so unsatisfied with the current state of things. If you are looking to prey on some poor unsuspecting noobs or to satisfy your PvP craze, you already have many options available (including trying out some PvP centric servers). In the meantime, us PvE fans will be hanging out in the Mining World and the Aether (lol).
A lot of people would simply go for the non-pvp side, and you won't be able to find anyone in the pvp side because no one's there, and those who are there are usually not even aware of the pvp. (builders who just joined the server) This seems like an idea with too many problems to work.
you're going to deny access to half of a world meant for mining and builders to builders, that's a silly idea.
It was like that before, and still no one can ever full explore half of a mining world, there is also the wild for mining
don't hate. Nobody is as good as you Matt. We all can't live up to the MattBurpaQ. don't hate if you don't wanna be hated on.
I've got a better idea!!!! Instead of making the mining world PvP we should make the PvP world mining enabled that wy we can mine in that world and see how PvPers like it!