LAST RESET:7/28/2013 - 7:00am EST Often the Nether/Mining resets are announced on our twitter, if either you miss the tweet, or don't see the server down for resetting, you won't know it reset. I'm going to update this thread every time the Mining World / Nether Resets. If you would like to be tagged everytime it resets, send me a private message. List of people to tag: RANDOM2580 rabidworm KillerkongPro Laxcd11 TellaVision skatechick28 MineKidCraft Lee1104 d_face012 Rheasmom jrg5978 xpurexcorex kalvb123 SolaceDevotio RyanJF1 Echophoxe CHOMPIN_02 deondre33 jackaluss77 HCPillarofFire JBuks Stolio FuergrissaOst Berserk_on_xbl AgentHare rockboy2000 MrBubblez98 SirSolo11 Dccciz mrfox420
NETHER/MINING WORLD RESET RANDOM2580 rabidworm KillerkongPro Laxcd11 TellaVision skatechick28 MineKidCraft Lee1104 d_face012 Rheasmom jrg5978 xpurexcorex kalvb123 SolaceDevotio RyanJF1 Echophoxe CHOMPIN_02 deondre33 jackaluss77 HCPillarofFire