So how it works is a mining war is where two teams mine to get the most ores, redstone, diamonds, Ect. One 1/4th of the winning teams items are giving too me, 1/2 of the losing teams are given two me. (All the money goes to getting a new town). Each team must register. Max amount of people per team is five, each team must have a captain. the captain of the overal winning team will be co-mayor of the new town. and they will get a 30x30 plot(There are prizes for those who are on the team)!!!!! The Epic town mining wars starts on the 15th all teams must be signed up by the dead line. Pm your team application. for the aplication you' must send: your name(you will be the captain,), the people's name who will be on your team. Through Epic town mining wars. Every Wins!!!!!!!! Edit (there is a max of 15 teams.)
Very bad idea. Why would someone do this if they can get more money just mining alone? Try to think of a better idea so if you, their is actually a prize.
Jeez, stop bashing. Anyways, look its a fundraiser: I wish you guys would stop being so cold and appreciate someone making an effort on trying to create something...
Yeah, I was a bit harsh. Sorry clarya. This is actually a good idea if you plan it better and add a cost just to participate, and the winners gets like... 3 diamonds each and stuff. And they dont have to give you the ores they mined! (If everyone pay 200$ to join, you will get 1k each team. And both will make money. ) Also try to make it look a bit more proffesional, using BB Codes!
Thanks. Can you help me with that? if you have time, can you PM me? I just really need money, and am hoping to make the game funnier.