Well, I downloaded 1.3 I REGRET IT!!! Its fun its just that I miss ecc How can I do something else? Anything to build?? Please give ideas
Makarov i just transfered a 1.25 folder from another computer and i deleted the 1.3 folder and i put a 1.25 folder in its place and it ask me to download and i just hit not now so i can play on ecc or go onto google and find a secure 1.25 minecraft jar.
I would do that but 1.3 ITS SO AWESOME! but once you join a world and go to Open lan you cant destroy in normal mode
simple thing to get best both worlds make a folder on your desktop and move the .minecraft to it then run minecraft renter the login data and use mc nostalgia to get 1.2.5 and then just swap them out to play the other