Well as everyone knows (I think) there has been rumors going around that that Minecon is going to be here and Orlando Florida. If it is in Orlando, I know I will be going along with a few of my friends I was wondering who else would be going.
I live in Canada. The fact I want to see Ryan irl anyways, MineCon just gives me another reason to go.
Most likely closer to November/December. Not summer, hence they announced tickets would most likely go on sale after summer.
Awesome! I'll have to make plans to go this year. Just got my drivers liscence and need to break it in! >:}
Lol, I wish I could go to minecon. Unless it's within driving distance of my house, not gonna happen, that and the ticket costs. And believe me, where I live, it isn't gonna be within driving distance XD
Sadly my family isn't the type to just, go to Florida. I also heard a rumor somewhere its gonna be in Atlanta (Got my hopes up, and I bet Ryan would too). If its in Atlanta I'm gonna buy my own ticket.
I hope that works out for you guys! We'll have to keep our eyes open for the official location announcement. My understand is that all that has been set in stone is that the convention will be "East Coast US". But florida seems like a good choice so you guys may end up being correct.