So Miami is almost done, we're at 23k for the town. So maybe you've heard about our Awesome and Epic Yacht, maybe you've seen it? Maybe you haven't? But, I bet you'll never see it like this. Yeah it was built by EGkoston, Canada_Blue, and WhiteRaptor. We're quite close with New Hotels and Shop, and More! Ask me in-game for a tour!
So I want another picture, huh? Here you go Dolaim, which is actually Adam Montoya, who has the Youtube Let's Play Account 'SeaNanners" came to Miami!
:3 dorc you never believe anything, first my trillion and now the yacht. Get it together dorc, whatever you hear is true here.
I know the trillion was real, but not earned in a way that let you keep it lol But, this could possibly be real..........he did have ALOT of diamonds....but not this much.........did you earn this? or what...
Omg... Did you buy every ingame diamond??? Or did andrew make the wall for you... those would be my best guesses
according to the livemap, its still wool, SOOO im guessing you retextured the default to replace white wool with the diamond block texture so itd look diamond in your screenie
Still, good guess though I guess he could have replaced the diamond block texture too, so that it looks like white wool, but that white wool in the pic has always been white wool...
Am I the only one who notices diamond blocks overlapping diamond blocks in ways that are not possible? Those shadows on the blocks aren't quite Minecraft-realistic enough, either. >_>
It's still white wool though................... And, did you guys place the diamond blocks? or was it Andrew?
and btw, I can tell that the only thing that it was made out of that was changed by hand was dirt, the rest was Andrew changing it, so, win?
Easy. He changed white wool to diamond blocks, and the wool blocks in the picture is dirt. EDIT: I posted this before I actualy read the comments. Now I feel stupid