Hey all! Okay, so I am going to make my first town soon. I was going to make a 100x100 - 150x150 farm, and I can't figure out if I should grow Melons, or Pumpkins. Because of the EffV update, I don't want to farm Melons, but the price just went up to $2.25. People say you can farm Pumpkins extremely fast, but the price just went down to $0.60. Really can't decide! Thanks for the help!
If you have an eff5 sword, melons. If you don't have an eff5 sword, pumpkins. In a lag free environment you can harvest a stack of pumpkins with an eff5 axe in about 6secs. So that would be 64pumpkins/stack x 10stack/min x 60min/hr x .60 = $23040/hr.
You cannot collect a stack of pumpkins in 6 secs, it is just impossible. Pumpkins only make about 17k an hour now.
I timed asabrown and he collected a stack of pumpkins in 6 seconds by breaking two rows while sprinting. I realize this is a "best case" time and there any number of things that could slow one down. 17k an hour is about a stack every 8secs which is not that far off from 6secs/stack.
I made more off an inventory of carrots than I did an inventory of pumpkins. I'm off melons until I get a silk touch sword. The other farming crops need some attention, too.
If I have to choose between these two, I'll go melons every time. Recently though, I've been hitting the wheat pretty hard.
I'm a master pumpkin farmer. I won't get a diamond sword until the nether star price goes down. 100$ each=100k.