Whats more worth the money? I have huge farms of both pumpkin and melon... And how long would it take to pay back a loan of 350k with each?
If you're taking a loan to get it, you should get the melon sword since it'll make you decent money without fly.
I would definitely get fly. Best investment ever. It makes building and getting around so much easier.
I highly suggest against this. I can make up to 15k an hour with a good farm and a Melon Sword. It would not take you long to make back the money needed for a loan, and the money for fly can be made rather fast as well. My vote is for the Sword.
But pumpkins require a large farm. With a melon sword you need a much smaller farm because it takes more time to harvest. I would personally get a melon sword, but I already have fly so I may not be the most reliable person in that aspect.
Yeah, but only in a really good hour. If its a laggy hour then.... No money 4 you! I'm going to say a melon sword. With a melon sword not only do you have a good income but if you desire you can sell the sword and get fly. You can't sell the fly donation if you change your mind.