Username: minecraftninja05 Description of what happened: Dear andrew, if u did not see i commented on your profile about if u could check logs. i was scammed a msowrd. I will not lie, i should have taken screen shots. I didnt think much if it them being a tycoon[$$$$] and just being a 1 hour rental. I made a mistake and it would really meana lot if u ahev any time in your busy day to check the logs. multiple mods saw him take it aw well as some non-mods. He lied stright to the mods face pretending he didnt know what they were talking about when they saw him do it. If u check logs u will see him pay me 5.4k for the hour then log within 15mins then the nest day not know what i was talking bout. Any way sorry for bother but please i made a mistake please check logs if u have a chance thankyou it means a lot i love your server would hate to basically start over since i sold everything for the sword then get scammed by partyman909 thanks andrew sorry for bother, minecraftninja05 sorry for bother you said to post what i said in the forum message here thanks for help
please dont comment if you dont have any info and i forum pm'd andrew, he told me to put it here… monkeyBUTT244
andrewkm here it is Andrew sorry for tag no idea if u would be able to see since it wouldn't be an alert for U thanks