Minecraft Name:Thecreator767 Suggestion:Raise Melon Prices to 1.75 (in between $2 and $1.50) Reason:Melon farming is now pointless because you need at least eff 2 or 3 and silk touch to make melon farming worth something (very expensive tool) ALSO I feel that melons were nerfed a LOT faster than pumpkins a few months ago. Another thing is melons are slower to harvest thus producing less melons. Any Other Information:There aren`t as many Melon Farms as pumpkin farms. Link To This Plugin:n/a
I agree. I barely have time and sooooo many crop prices are dropping. Id like to see a supply demand thing though. Say no one farms wheat but everyone farms melons. Raise wheat drop melons.
i mean that there are already 5 or so well discussed threads about this in the prices forum. a mod could lock or move this with thecreator767's permission