I have created a beautiful thing! I call him Jeremy! He can play games! He is all knowing! He is... ON THE TUBES!!! No Commenting on shakiness, I used my phone. If you have a recommendation for a FREE screen recorder, be my guest. Batch, for those who don't know, is a language of code typed up with notepad that is displayed with command prompt screen.
Soo.. you can create whatever batch file that is, but you don't know how to record your screen. I can't even stand to watch this shaky mess that is a video. .-. also, source plz
Batch is a language of programming using notepad to place the code. Uses command prompt to execute it. And I said in the video I was using my phone because I don't want to pay for any screen recording and I know of no free ones. And what do you mean by source? Found a decent screen recorder.
I know what Batch is, it's a commandline scripting language. As for free ones, fraps is a good choice. as for source, I mean sourcecode. A programmer would know this.. Anyway, the point I was trying to make is. You know how to make a batch script like this, but you don't know how to find/use free recording software?
I'm a strange, STRANGE person. I'm an athlete who does woodworking, programming, gaming, and also very social but shy at the same time. I can program but not find a screen recorder. And the coding is super long, for me anyways. My longest yet.
Super long.. I'd need some proof for that. :b Show me the source code, I'm curious as to what it actually does (and how), because I can't stand to watch the video.
PYTHON will always be the best programming language. Those c++ people, phhhh who do they think they are
I would disagree, python is a great allround language, but it forces people to follow a very strict programming style, hence I don't use it for anything more than a simple script. I myself prefer java for desktop/server applications (humongous user base, there's a library for practically everything you can imagine. And it has over 10 years of optimization, plus it runs on the jvm.) Java with maybe groovy to extend it. But my main focus lies in web development, php and javascript are my favourites Also, C++ is a great language.. for the advanced programmer. It's silly that people are taught C++ at school in America. Here we're taught PHP and C#, lol.
I do agree that it is a somewhat a strict programming style (still general purpose) but honestly, it feels as if more people are forgetting about it, or newcomers are not even taking the time to at least look at it. I guess in the end, I just like its syntax and its few lines of code.
Oh I forgot, python has no braces, that's the main reason I don't use it for programming, it's more of a quick and dirty scripting solution for me.
I find that Whitespace is not significant in python except at the beginning of a line. In C for example (I just like hating on it) you might forget a closing brace and that may take a few extra seconds to try to figure out where it's supposed to be. In python, I don't think you can ever get that problem. I also forgot to mention that I love java too. Java really came to me around the time of my runescape days. Those days..... Just wondering how often do ya spend programming?
Well, with a good IDE you can't really forget closing braces :b Well, at my internship I spent 8 hours a day. And during school times, an hour or two a day. And outside of school times, it depends. Sometimes I do nothing, and sometimes I work on something for 12+ hours a day.
Its even harsher than Python for whitespaces. Lua is a good language, but will make your head hurt if you have done other OOP based languages.