[MCMMO] Petition

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by xxemuxx, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. xxemuxx

    xxemuxx Builder
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    WAIT! I have a sneaking feeling a moderator will look at this and immediately point me to andrew's thread. I know already I'm just trying to get this across
    You know, ECC is getting dull lately. I farm pumpkins like a bawws but I don't really have a goal with it... Just to make money. With mcmmo that changed the game it made it a goal to beat someone and get onto the list. Instead of just getting dirt from dirt you got gunpowder and the like! Andrew I know you pointed out the plugin was just for "fun" but isn't that the point of this server or are we a completely economy based server which is dull? Yeah I enjoy the lotto and I've lost quite a bit, but if anyone on the server wants to make a comeback from losing everything to a sniper like me they're immediately greeted with repetitiveness. Even if it does have plenty of bugs it's still fun. If you didn't have anything to fix how well do you think you can code in 2 weeks? I really want this plugin back! Minecraft is supposed to be fun and I believe that's why Wolvie took the actions he took. If you're going to reject it at least hear the players

    PS I also believe this is the reason many old players have quit.

    I also believe what makes this server amazing and creative is the lottery and towns addition. Yes, you can be creative without lottery and mcmmo, but the price it takes to get their is substantial and drives many away. (People don't have time to sit their for 50 hours and farm pumpkins)
  2. 47346

    47346 Builder
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    Nov 14, 2011
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    Bring back McMMo!!
  3. markmarshall6

    markmarshall6 Builder
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    Jan 26, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I am going to echo emu's thoughts and I feel exactly the same way. It has got rather boring..harvesting pumpkins all day. There is no challenge out there, especially for presidents. I do like building but I also really liked McMMO a lot and it added a dimension to the game. It only will keep veteran players on the server rather than have them start looking for other servers. I know it is difficult and buggy but I'm sure it can be fixed, it was there before.

    As I mentioned in another thread, I'm really on the fence about staying on this server just because of this. As a donator, I think my words should have value.

    Bring it back!
  4. Mezri

    Mezri Builder
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    Feb 21, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I agree 100%.

    MCMMO is a standard of multiplayer servers. I have said this before but it gives minecraft something it does not have: character progression. Exp leveling does not "level" your character. That is just another collection. Hence why MCMMO is entirely different and something minecraft is without ... something that the server genuinely suffers without having. And I don't even think we should count the players who have left because of not having it ...

    Focusing on what loyal players lose is more the point. I have not been here long, but I count myself a loyal player of this server. And I have lost another measurable way to show others of the time and dedication I have given to this server now that MCMMO is no longer around. Having people want to log on and stay online to level up their skills is good for the server and for players. And far more fun - something games should always seek to be.

    I know this topic of MCMMO has gone on and on ... but I think that's because there is reason to fight for this plugin. It means that much to us players and, to the server.

    But as a serious suggestion, if it's that much of a pain to fix: make it a $5 donation feature. (I don't think it would be fair to be more than that considering 1: how many players will buy it and 2: the discouragement of new players to try and get it sooner.) That will pay for the work it needs done and encourage people to build their skills - keeping it competitive.
  5. Zipfelbubi

    Zipfelbubi Builder
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    Apr 1, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I've always liked mcmmo so I will support bringing it back too!
  6. Cariston

    Cariston Builder
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    Feb 22, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I only can support emu's remarks. When McMMO was removed I was almost a new guy on the server. But after it was removed I soon missed the plugin because it gave me another reason to farm/mine. There was not only the money I was working for, a new point came out, the improvement of skills. I think many other players feel the same when I say, it's a shame that the skills have gone because there also was some excitement between the players (who has the higher rank...) and not to forget the bonuses of the abilities especially for players who played on the server for a long time.

    Hope you bring McMMO back!
  7. jp22095

    jp22095 Builder
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    Mar 12, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I never played with McMMO, but it honestly does sound like a lot of fun. I gives the game a purpose, insdtead of harvesting pumpkins for 5 hours straight...

  8. NelsonLim

    NelsonLim "PerfectMan"
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    Dec 4, 2011
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    Mcmmo brings about a big change to the server. At first when mcmmo was brought into ECC, not many players know what it is. However, as time goes by, players enjoy it. It gives a challenge to all users as they have to level up and each skill gives its own unique rewards. It also allows users to compete with each other to see who will reach the level that they agreed on. An example is between EGkoston and BenjaminWaugh. They compete with each other to see who will reach power level 100 first. In the end, EGkoston was the first to reach 1000. This competition among users motivated them to work hard and enjoy playing in the server.

    Also, with each level that is gained, it gives users a sense of achievement as their hard work have finally pay off. In my opinion, with the addition of mcmmo, it gives me a goal which is to level up my herbalism to 1000. It is definitely tough to reach 1000, but, in less than a month I have already reached 500. How is this possible? It is because that the goal that I set gives me a challenge and motivated me to work extremely hard. Through the days of levelling up to 500, I have been playing minecraft for more than 8 hours each day. It will be impossible for me to play for more than 8 hours, including playing minecraft past midnight, without any goals in the server. Now, without mcmmo, I have no goals left in the server except moderating and helping out other users.

    I know that other mods/supermods will say that addition of mcmmo will bring a lot of money to the economy. However, that is not true. Most of the money earned is not dumped into the economy. Builders earned the money to apply for resident, Residents earned the money to get their own town so they no need to live in the wild/ live in other towns. Mayors earned the money to build big structures in their town and aimed for presidents. Presidents earned the money to get more towns. During the mcmmo period, I did not dump the money I earned into the economy through any ways, e.g. lottery. I spent all the money I earned to get all my 9 towns which I have now.

    If you think about without mcmmo, it will gives builders a hard time to gain residency rank and it will lose the interest of the players. This will make more players to leave the server. I have seen many users that just joined the server ask the first question which is "Is there mcmmo?". If you wonder, why will they ask this question. It is because that mcmmo is very popular and is used by many servers worldwide. So, when they heard that we does not have mcmmo, some will leave the server and find other server which have it.

    To conclude, Mcmmo gives challenge, competition, excitement, achievement, gain interest of the players and will attract many new users to ECC. Even though it brings a lot of money to the economy, which the staff members think, the advantage of mcmmo is more than the disadvantage. Therefore, mcmmo should be return and it should be regarded as a serious addition instead of a "fun" addition.
  9. markmarshall6

    markmarshall6 Builder
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    Jan 26, 2012
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    I agree with Mezri except for the donation fee. It should be free since it was advertised as a "perk" of this particular server when I first joined. Also, not everyone has access to donations via credit card.
  10. Anokfero

    Anokfero Builder
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    Dec 3, 2011
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    Re: [MCMMO] Another Argument...

    With the errors that have been (correctly?) blamed on McMMO I think we are better to not hassle our Dev's here but to provide reasons to the Developers to create codes in which is less intrusive.

    People would be upset if a company took your credit card number and placed unauthorised charges on it.

    The same is true for ECC. The code introduces changes not authorised or intended by the plugin, and for this reason I do agree it is not wise to return mcMMO till the problems that saw it removed are fixed it shouldn't return.

    But that doesn't mean I don't want it back, I want it back for all the above reasons, and the free resources. But I think we cant do anything with it until the devs creating mcMMO create a better, stabler, bug free source code for it.
  11. xxemuxx

    xxemuxx Builder
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    I believe that's why it's open source

    So the day mcmmo got removed "permanently" so many people saw the responses of it. "Well I'm not pumpkin farming then" It's because they're not motivated anymore, they don't have anything giving them a boost. There's a difference between increasing the sell price of an item and giving a player a way to obtain a larger quantity of the item. (Believe me there's a difference in a motivational sense)
  12. TheWizardofNoz

    TheWizardofNoz Builder
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    Feb 19, 2012
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    I completely agree. MCMMO added a sort of depth to the server. It was something to think about while I was pumpkin farming, mining, or excavating. Not only was I doing it for money, but I knew I'd be raising up a stat that would help me in the future. This is the order of moneymaking in the server: Miners, People who do jobs, pumpkin farming, and lotto. That seems to be quite a big jump. If MCMMO were to be brought back it would clear the income gap, as long time pumpkin farmers would be able to make more money while new farmers would make less money. This would solve a problem that is even facing the modern day economy! There's millionaires, and there's people that have less than 100k. No in between. This needs to be changed soon.
  13. Rezonl

    Rezonl Builder
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    Apr 12, 2011
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    I'll come back if its added.

    I pretty much have no motivation in playing the server when it is gone.

    If other servers can run it hassle free, I don't know why we can't...
  14. Zaneus

    Zaneus Builder
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    Feb 5, 2012
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    An awesome plug-in. It really rewards the players who are on the server and working to get money. They play more often and therefore should make money faster in my opinion.
  15. WallyBean

    WallyBean Builder
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    Good luck emu, I crusaded for it and was told flat out to go play somewhere else by Andrew so I imagine you might get the same, maybe not, you have donated alot more. For the people that actually play on the server its alot of fun and adds alot of depth to the game. For the people who don't play but have to manage it, its the person that ran over their dog after giving their mom a std. So wildly different opinions, results may vary. To summarize the many threads I made on it, current reasons it does not exist on this server are....

    Abilities granted are over powered
    Bugs, lots
    Original developer abandoned it and some kids took over that have no clue what they are doing.

    The servers still running it have alot less people then ECC, this is not neccesarily a correlation because 98% of mc servers can't handle the number of players this one has on at peak and offpeak hours. However some of the quirks and bugs of mcmmo were said to cause lag, which is certainly possible when those are being done by 200 people at once I would imagine. I might get an ass chewing for what little I have said so I won't even touch why players may or may not be still playing etc.
  16. jwpwns

    jwpwns ECC Sponsor
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    Sep 1, 2011
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    what is the big woop about mcmmo i didn't think it was that good at all. And rez it is a very buggy plugin and causes a lot of problems.
  17. Zaneus

    Zaneus Builder
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    Feb 5, 2012
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    I think it was the competitiveness of the plug-in that people liked. To see where you stacked up against others. Also it changed the gameplay a little so that it wasn't the same as Vanilla Minecraft. I think any sort of plug-in like MCMMO would satisfy players that like it. The problem is, there isn't another plug-in like it.
  18. jwpwns

    jwpwns ECC Sponsor
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  19. vdubmastertech

    vdubmastertech Builder
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  20. kukelekuuk

    kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
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