The current mcmmo level limit is 1000 I recommend making it Unlimited but just you not getting more advantages after 1000. It would just be nice because so many people are getting 1000 now it just needs to go up. Also bringing back mctop because I have seen on servers more popular then ecocitycraft have mctop but you can only do it once every 60 seconds. And the reason the server crashed last time we brought it back was because every single person did it at once because it just came back at a normal time it would only be typed like once every min or so but when everyone dose it at once the server crash's and also add a 60 limit for using mctop.
We have it at 1000 because active skills like superbreaker, green terra, giga drill breaker and treefeller get 1 second every 50 levels. at level 1000 it's like 20 seconds, at level 1500 it's 30 seconds, etc, etc. It costs around $200 USD to get 1k levels. let's say someone bought 5000 levels ($1000), and he was already level 1000 at herbalism. He would be level 6000, that's a 120 seconds activation time. add mcmmobonusplusx3 to that and you have 132 seconds activation time. The cooldown timer would also be halved, so it would be 150 seconds cooldown time. This means that person would have to wait only 18 seconds for his active skill to refresh. Let' say this person is farming wheat, potatoes or carrots. He could farm through EVERYTHING without having to replant, that would effectively double his farming profit, alone. But green terra has a triple drop, too. so it drops 3 wheat per block. This would QUADRUPLE your farming profit. Someone would make 50k an hour by simply paying $1000 USD, and that money is earning itself back in-game at an astonashing rate of 50k an hour. TL;DR: It's a bad idea.
No the skill dose not start refreshing untill after his skill has worn off and who in the right mind would spend $1000 for 6000 mcmmo levels also I said no advantages after 1000. And what could he do with 130 second skill anyways?
Farm without replanting endlessly. with triple drops. And we have that person, his name is videowiz. Also, you can't just stop the advantages after rank 1000, it's not implemented into McMMO
I think what kuke means is that MCMMO isn't programmed to do that. It was probably made to stop at 1k for the sake of effectiveness and easiness. The program is designed to be as efficient as possible. He also probably means that videowiz can get that long of a superbreaker or berserk.
McMMO is programmed to continue after level 1000, we just set a limit at level 1000 to limit the abilities a little (for example, 100% replant rate at herbalism 1500) And videowiz is our biggest donator, he's more than capable of buying that many levels.
I don't know if this possible but why don't you just stop features from getting better after 1000 but you can get over 1000 levels.
Because McMMO isn't programmed to be like that, and it would be useless to rewrite things to make it work like that