How did you make the funds for this application. I got it from buying it online What will be the name of your new town?: moosejaw What is the size of your town 100x100 :Are your town posts set and what are the [x] [y] [z] co-ordinates of all posts: Post A:x -1145.74360 post b y 66.00 post c z 1857.65312 post d f 1 west 89.536194 if dis aint right idk wut is
You're getting closer....EACH post has an X, Y, and Z. So for instance... if your town is 100x100 then and the XYZ coords you posted are POST A Post B could be X: -1045 Y: 66 Z: 1857 Post C could be X: -1045 Y: 66 Z: 1757 Post D could be X: -1145 Y: 66 Z: 1757 You have to plot out EACH border of your town, and since it is a many sides does a square have? THAT is how many sides you need to set. What I posted above is only an example by the way. Make sure you go in game and make sure for sure what the coords for each post is.
To add to what krumz has said. you need to make your townposts like: The red squares represent the townposts, they are 200 blocks away from each other.their coordinates are like this: Post A: X:8868 Y:90 Z:-12703 Post B: X:8868 Y:90 Z:-12504 Post C: X:9067 Y:90 Z:-12504 Post D: X:9067 Y:90 Z:-12703 As you can see each post has its own set of coordinates, and you only need the X the Y and the Z you can find the coordinates with /getpos also do read And be sure to read it thoroughly, you must also use the application stated there. And last, wewinagain fined you 15k for repeatedly making improper applications. Locked and denied.