Hey guys! For once, I decided to actually be productive an do something on ECC, and I'd like to share it with y'all. Hope you guys like my (tiny) vault renovation! Spoiler: Stage 1 Stage 1: DEMOLITION! If any of you have watched home renovation shows, you know the second-best part of it. (The final transformation being the best, of course) Here are some pics of what the vault looked like before, and the stages of demolition. Before demolition. I guess it looked okay, but let's be real here the only thing that didn't make the vault look cheap are of course the sea lanterns, which don't even blend in well! Wood and sea lanterns removed. Funny thing is that I used tree feller to get rid of the wood, and it worked like a charm! One thing to note from here is that, if your vault is small and made of wood, NEVER use tree feller. All the floor and ceiling removed. Well... Except for that one block of OCD-inducing terracotta. Yeah some people might feel uncomfortable about that... Spoiler: Stage 2 Stage 2: Floor & Pillars Onto the next stage! This is why I've been spamming trade with sea lantern ads! Also blew my bal on the quartz, it was nice emptying all of /warp brighttree's quartz supply with freddy. That filthy piece of terracotta gone... And replaced with a new, fancy-schmancy floor. Yeah I like rainbows. dont even think about judging me Spoiler: Stage 3 Stage 3: Walls, Ceiling and COMPLETION! Title says it all. Also rip my bal. (I know it's a really small vault but I'm a poor-ass kid) I like rainbows pt 2... Also ceiling and walls done! Just a section of chests, I like the use of water. (Practically speaking it blocks out the light and kinda wastes 14 of the sea lanterns in my vault that are behind water but I still like it) Another view of the chests, the ceiling light is basic but works quite well with the rest of the design. Considering using a coloured glass pane instead of an end rod for up there, what do you guys think? I like rainbows pt 3. I watch and love my little pony It's a good view of the vault. Also if you see anything that's been crossed out, it was never there. A plain wall view at the front of my vault. Yes, I got lazy and just used the same design. It looks good though... right?
I wanted to be space-efficient When I expand my vault (and blow maybe another 100k) it'll feel much bigger