Greetings, members of ECC! I'm getting a new spawn store (hopefully), but I need your help. In the poll above, I've asked you just to tell me what categories of items you usually search for in the market or whichever store you go to most often. Do you tend to buy food, underground minerals, building materials, furniture, wool, mob drops or tools? Secondly, and if you do take this instruction I will hereby declare you fantastic, tell me 5-10 items you expect any shop to sell. Whether these are ingots, diamonds, shovels, enderchests, or even saddles, I'd like to know so I know what you guys want. Of course, everyone's allowed to extrapolate any information from my survey, including anyone in the market. This is just general information I want to take out from the populace of ECC. Sorry if someone's done this before, but I need fresh results.