Ok, so recently I found this gigantic ravine, with 3 to 4 other ravines connected to it. So I was thinking, how about a Man Hunt? This will take place on Sunday, 4/29/12, at roughly 4pm est. Now for the rules! 1: No fly or TP+, that means compass! 2: No Lava 3: Water is allowed 4: If you see my name, you can't just make a tunnel to me, you have to find the path to me. 5: You can build staircases by breaking blocks, but building a staircase to me is the same as rule 5 6: Everyone will start in at the same spot, and then when the game begins, you can go off on your own paths. 7: If you die, you are out, only one TP will be given to get you to the starting area. 8: If you are caught placing lava, flying, or using compass, you will be kicked. 9: You may bring whatever you want to help you, but it is recommended to bring only torches, food, and a couple stone or iron picks. If you die, then the items you lost aren't accounted for at all. 10: There will be three possible prices, so first place gets the best, then second gets second best, and third gets third best... duh Entrance Fee is just 100$, and depending on how many people show up for the event, that will dictate the prize. If more then 50 people show up, then the prize will be 20 diamonds or something like that. The game will run from 4pm est to 6pm est. You have a total of 2 hours to find me. Any volunteers to help out with this event, please send me a mail or msg on the server, but do realize, if you volunteer, you won't be able to participate.
Also forgot to mention, there will be some clues set up along the different paths that offer hints towards my location. And no, I will not be standing on a ledge, i will be in one of the tunnels. i wont move from the spot at all until 6pm est. Also, tping to the location will begin at roughly 3pm est. will end at 3:50pm est.
Yes, that's what the volunteers would be fore. monitoring the competition, and also helping set up clues and such
Sure! Also, if somehow people don't end up finding me within the first 2 hours (if that happens, i'd have to question society) then we will extend it one more hour. If still no one finds me, that would be the end of the event.