Minecraft Name: Jdawger Suggestion: Make Staff Requests (specifically LWC Requests) permanently Private. Reason: I believe this will help to reduce the amount of “Feature Abuse” from people with TP++ since I knew people who would stalk the forums, then teleport to the area to see if they could get a quick buck. Plus, you don’t get a notification when locks are removed, so the thing could be unlocked for days before you knew about it. Other Information: So, I know people would say that by making these public shows the player losing their locks/trade sign that this is happening. Now, this part is optional to the suggestion, but it may make things smoother. Require an eviction notice to be filed before removing any locks or trade signs (unless they were not a part of the town to begin with). Also, maybe make it a new question for the forum. Spoiler: Example New LWC In Game Name: Jdawger Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs: LWC Protections What town are these in: ECCMuseum Original town application link: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/mayor-application-iamjustapony.172203/#post-957092 Which world is this town in: Rising Which user do these protections currently belong to: @Iamjustapony Is the player who owns the protections inactive: Quit the museum [jk, just an example] Have you filed a Town Eviction for this user? Please provide the link to the forum. Yes I have https://www.ecocitycraft.com/threads/notanactuallink/example Provide the X Y Z coordinates, number, and type of protections: (Areas of chests etc) Are any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area: No Why are you requesting these protections be removed: Museum clean up Processing time is 1-7 days: I Understand. The one in red is the new potential question.
don't even think this is a issue anymore lwcs don't show up until i think 24 hours after they have been accepted forget the exact time. As far as the eviction notice as long as they are off for 7+ days i do not see a issue even tho i personally wait longer to see if they come back or not.
I mean, the useDeny flag exists as well as non protected chests are free to take from, but my only issue is I never get an alert that the LWC has gone through, so I sit there for days waiting and I come back and it's been unlocked for days
Still, not everyone can get on every day to collect these, and if someone actually does take the items, it causes great strife. This too. Thanks @Monkeyz505 I forgot about that.
I am going to -1 for the simple fact that i do not think there is a currently a issue there use to be before the whole 24 hour thing but haven't seen it being a issue after that. Then again technically lock removals are not for getting items even tho we all do it for that reason. And yea the whole no alert thing on the forums needs to be fixed so +10000 for that
These need to be public because there needs to be documentation available to players that the looks are removed.
lwc removals don't exist so you can claim items from chests, they exist to remove locks so you can build/clear land. -1
No I understand this. Ideally, they should clear chests, but realistically they don’t. Regardless, it used to be a huge problem (I’m not too sure about it these days as I’m not really active in game too much more anymore).
This.... I think the fact we give you guys 24 hours to loot the chests before anyone else has a go is enough tbh. We already require this, its literally in the rules of LWC Requests, with the exception of what is considered "inactive". Yes, it did used to be an issue, that's why they are left moderated for 24 hours now. They don't need to be permanently private. Documentation of lock removal is good. Public documentation is best.
Wait, so it’s actually not feature abuse. I never knew lol. But yeah, interact deny is a great thing, but some people don’t want to get that for their reasons (money, certain wanted outside interaction elsewhere in town, etc)
So yeah @ClarinetPhoenix (or @ZevZero ),Can you lock this? I have more understanding on the topic to see that the current way is good enough.