*it seems you can post nonecc help threads here so if im wrong can a mod move it to the right topic* what i would like to do is make it were creepers dont spawn ever not even a .000000000.5% chance of spawn the reason for this is that creepers are making my game life hell in single before i updated to 1.2.5 creepers were semi rare at max i would see one ever 5 or so minutes in a cave system but now in 1.3 i cant even walk in to a small cave system since there will be over 5 creepers just siting there then to top it off i turn around to get away theres over 5 behind me so what i need to know what files i would need to delete or change to make creepers not spawn and if any what type of programs
i still want to have mobs just not creepers a map made with spawners of zombies and skels would not be fun with mobs and just to say i have used too meny items on a different save and there are no creeper spawners in the map were i am going