Item:Wheat Data Value:296 Current Price:$1.00 Suggested Price:$2.00 Brief Description:Wheat farming is not viable at $1.00. Open Discussion:I don't like the idea of making only one avenue to gain wealth. And I don't like being a robot. I play multi-player games for interaction with other people. Here is what we have for farming. I posted 3 popular choices. Melon Farming: Melons have been nerfed and are no longer viable. Their new prices do not make sense. A block of melon is $2.00, a Melon Slice is $0.20, 9x0.20=1.80. A more idealistic value would be $2.25, and $0.25 since 9 x 0.25 = 2.25. Pumpkin Farming: Long and boring, even with an enchanted axe and 30k an hour (unbelievable!). I am alone, I talk to no one. I tend to watch netflix and daze out for hours. There is no communication between me and anyone else. I am a robot. Can provide jobs, but difficult to find ways to prevent employee theft. Wheat Farming: Fun, interactive and exciting. I provide jobs for new players and get to interact with them. I love meeting new good quality people and becoming friends with them. This is a solid way to make money and provide quality jobs. Seeds are 1/4 the value of wheat and that makes it worth growing more. If requested I can post numbers in comparison to show the value of time versus workload and profits versus costs.
Choosing your way of farming is all about preferences, some people like melon farming; some people like pumpkin farming and some people like wheat farming. Now the wheat price was $1 all along and andrew bumped it up to $2 for a week; he forgot to bump it back down to $1 afterwards; people made mass amounts of money; he bumped it back down to $1. You can still gain a large amount of profit by turning the wheat into bread (bread is still $6) I do not see the issue here, If you are saying you cannot make any money with wheat farming anymore, you are wrong. Just slightly less because you have to craft the wheat into bread. Lets say you get 10k wheat per harvest with every harvest taking 1 hour. (it doesn't matter if I am not correct with the time the calculations remain the same) people without any crafting/inventory mod lets say you craft 1 stack of bread every 10 seconds 10,000/64 = 156 stacks of wheat 156/3 = 52 stacks of bread 52*10 = 520 seconds = 8 minutes 40 seconds It takes you 8 minutes and 40 seconds longer to get the same amount of profit. people with the convenient inventory mod. you can craft whole stacks within 2 seconds 52*2 = 104 seconds = 1 minute 44 seconds it takes you 2 minute and 44 seconds longer to get the same amount of profit. people with a fastcrafting mod. You can craft 12 stacks of bread within 1 second (0.083 seconds per stack) 52*0.083= 4.33 seconds It takes you 4.33 seconds longer to get the same amount of profit I have used all these mods and know how fast people craft. (the amount of wheat you get may be different but the same calculations apply) My point is that nothing has changed and there is no reason to bump the price back up.
I think the extra step required to turn wheat into bread in order to maximize profits is unnecessary. Here's why.. Wheat takes an extremely long time to grow compared to pumpkins. Even if you have a multilevel wheat farm the wheat will not be grown on the other levels by the time you finish planting forcing you to sit around in chunks/ride in a minecart/hire afkers. Also an important thing to point out is the time it takes to plant the seeds. You can't really place the seeds any faster than normal sprinting speed or you will get kicked for placing objects too quickly. In a scenario that you some spectacular multilevel wheat that would have a full grown level by the time you planted another level you would be getting $2 a seed you plant. Keep in mind the limitations of the speed at which you can plant as well as taking the time to harvest the wheat. (Even if you're using water to clear it, it will still cost you 5 minutes to harvest it) So the recap of this mythological wheat farm is $2 per seed you can plant at sprint speed plus a little added extra time for the harvest. This sounds extremely profitable right? However, if we compared this to something like pumpkin farming. With a proper enchanted axe (which can now be repaired for minimal cost), you can 1 hit pumpkins. So with this axe a normal player could sprint just like they do in a wheat farm and get $2 per block they run past. However, a player with fly could fly at full speed. (Yes fly speed 4) And continuously break pumpkins at an outrageous pace. (For those of you with fly, go at speed four and time yourself for a minute running in a straight line. That's how many pumpkins you could have broken in a single minute. It should be about 1000 blocks, and yes it's slightly exaggerated because you will have to turn around in a pumpkin farm but only slightly.) So basically I feel that wheat shouldn't require this extra step to be turned into bread and should possibly be increased in price even more UNLESS something changes that lets us plant wheat seeds more quickly. That would hopefully balance the difference between wheat farming and pumpkin farming.
I think farms are a ridiculous idea, even if it is mainstream and accepted. Ores should be the mainstay of the economy. Alas farms are where it's at. An unlimited, very common and easy to get source of money. I would rather see all farm item prices reduced and we can do away with these stupid 200x200 farms once and for all and all get back to playing farmcraft... Uh I mean minecraft. Yes I am building a 200x200 bi level farm, what choice do I have?
Thank you for your post kukelekuuk00. However I posted this when Andrewkm had taken the price of wheat down to 1$ and was taking the price of bread down as well. He has since brought it back up to this amount. This all happened within a short amount of time, so I understand how it can seem that I am misled. Thank you again for your comment. It's very helpful to others who read this.
$2 seems fair enough to me. Besides, you have to plant, harvest, sell, plant, harvest, sell, you get it. Pumpkins require just planting and then you are set.