In Game Name: AdmiralDWhat part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: Main City ServerShort title for your suggestion: Tokens On Main - PleaseWhat are you suggesting: Please allow us to use our hard earned tokens on the Main Server now.Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: These were earned with dedication to the support of our server and should be available now.Other information: The reason for this is that I fear these rewards will just disappear. Please don't allow this to happen for the dedicated players who support the server.Plugin or custom addition: Forum - should be just andrew allowing them to be used on Main now. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on this suggestion.One suggestion per form: I Understand.
Sure I’ll look into it soon, but I can tell you right off the bat, netherstars and diamondblocks will be removed.
And I assume no boss armor either. Also, maybe halve everything since the next lowest (besides dblocks and nstars) is worth two credits
A friendly bump and tag for some to give you a chance for some input before our tokens become as useless as everything else we worked for: @COOKIEMONSTERS51 @fraglefly @HyruleanHero @Mission001 @Sharkykzn @Snake_Plisken404 @stigarose @stoler202 There have been times that andrew has responded better to our requests with more input.
@andrewkm how about you did what you did for the oodles of money, first you offered the uber rich prestige then reduction to the cash, So how about for ... 20 tokens we can buy voting prestige with a maximum of 1 prestige purchase-able like event medal used to be...then if you have remaining tokens you can get ... maybe a fraction of nstars or dblocks or other valuable material instead of a stack of dblocks maybe 20 or something...and reinstate the rest. I don't think a few pieces of bedrock or elytra or mcmmo levels is going to destroy city server. I don't even see people buying/selling elytra much and surely they would have gone back up enormously in price if they were in that much demand. I would be dissapointed for losing all my tokens after taking the hit on archive...thanks for tagging me @AdmiralD
I was the 2nd top voter during October this year, would be good if my 5 tokens were able to be used for something since gift cards are no longer rewards for top voters <3 But I think there are many users who have a large amount of tokens that they have yet to redeem, so I am hoping these tokens will not become useless and can be redeemed for some form of perk/items on the main server.
As someone who has accumulated 32 tokens, along with @AdmiralD with his 24 or so, I would appreciate at least some form of benefit from this. i know and understand that the voting system today seems to carry a poor opinion based on results, but non the less, there are a number of players who supported this daily under the impression it was in the benefit of the server. Bottom line support was given, job done by players, to be recognised as nought would be sad to see.
I would like to use them, afterall, It would be nice to redeem something i voted for, for maybe like 2 years? Even if everyone redeemed stars and diamonds, it doesnt effect the economy at all compared to just buying ECD. Theres 689 tokens on the list. (With over 100 of those tokens on members who have been inactive for over a year) How many realistically will be redeemed? 50%? If so thats 8600 nstars into the economy. 5 star tools which honestly is nothing especially since only 1 person has enough to buy 1 outright. So i wouldnt be surprised if most go straight out the economy. This is only saying that all 50% of those people buy nstars... So yes, id like to be able to spend the tokens i got from voting for ecc around 2 years solidly for.
Thank you for the math - it shows how little an impact this actually is and how it would be so awesome to reward those that have been supporting the server for years now. I know it has been politically incorrect to reward those that worked hard to support the server for the last years because "we" obviously were the ones that broke the economy because we worked hard and donated a lot. This is one place that that we have the opportunity to show their time and effort meant something. What does this say to the new generation players when it is their turn to lose everything they work for?
I mean I'd like if they just went back to their original purpose of being entry to larger events... However I think it's been quite some time since an event which collected token entry fees was run.
I may not have as many tokens as some others here to really complain, but I too put in quite an effort into being a top voter back in the day. Considering that many of us (to the extent of my knowledge of course, I can't really be bothered about what prestige is or how things are on the main server) are already left with nothing, I consider it to only be fair, to leave at least something for us legacy players. All these reforms came as a big blow to me, personally. Some time ago I considered myself to be, though not rich, but fairly well off. However, most of my truly valuable assets were in things untransferable. And to really face it, I'm left with a broken trough. But I'm fairly certain that I am not the only one. And therefore I believe, that at least the tokens could be kept in honor of the support from the older, but less active nowadays players. Basically, just let them be... Long rant over, +1, and thanks for tagging me, @AdmiralD.
I’m still looking into what I will do with tokens. I can tell you now nether stars will not be an option. I never set the values of these tokens, and the entire system was done by someone other than myself based on a totally different economy. Something will be done with them eventually, but when it comes nether stars, this will not happen. Also “boss armour” no longer even exists on main, it’s impossible to get and we don’t have SG anymore. The event tokens thread is simply an old system. I’m going to be closing it down and figuring out what to do with the current tokens.
I’ve decided to do the following. All current event tokens will be redeemed at 1 Token = 8 NetherStars. @ClarinetPhoenix will be running this project. @ClarinetPhoenix, please set up some sort of redeem center at a warp in game, and a quick request form on the forums. Redeem period will end December 31st 11:59PM. At this point please remove the event tokens thread, and entire system. We will no longer be running any sort of non automated system like this again. Oh, and @AdmiralD if your impression of me is that I simply wipe everyone’s progress, you can politely go fuck yourself. I mean that. In fact you’re the last person I ever thought would make me feel like this. I’ve done everything I can to make everyone happy this reset, including offering to continue hosting the entire 30GB+ Archive server indefinitely, which isn’t free mind you. Feel pretty disrespected with your low key bashing comments tbh. Get back to me when you have 30k members on an 8 year old community and your faced with a reset to keep it alive. I really want to see how you keep every single person smiling lol. Then we can talk. And when it comes to saying you got nothing for your contributions, yeah no, everyone got instant rewards for years on end in game, and it flooded the economy with netherstars.