In Game Name: zorracraftWhat part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: Main City ServerShort title for your suggestion: Collectors prestigeWhat are you suggesting: add a new prestige for having the star, diamond and emerald collectorsWhy is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: prestiges is meant to be a grind and getting a double chest of nstars, diamond blocks and emeralds blocks is a huge effort that you just cant p2w, they need to be gathered or bought from playersOther information: just create a forum app requiring a link for the 3 medal applicationPlugin or custom addition: One suggestion per form: I Understand.
+1 Much better option for a prestige. It would be great if there was a way to regain the prestige that was just taken away and this sounds like a perfect way to do that.
+1 What a fantastic idea. It took me many months and countless hours grinding to get these medals. Agree with LadyV - would be nice to get back the prestige we lost.
Skyblock currently offers a max of 3 prestige points. I would love to see another way to get prestige through the main server in compensation of the new forum ecd prestige being removed. Also getting these 3 medals is much harder than getting the forum ecd medal which would make up for the reason for removing the forum ecd medal's prestige in the first place.
Here’s my problem with this: Emerald Medal - $933,120 ($270 per block x 3456 items per dchest) Diamond Medal - $777,600 ($125 per block x 3456 items per dchest) Nstar Medal - $2mil (on the high side) ($1000 per nstar (high market price) x 2000 items required) In total, that is roughly 3.7mil total for all three. Yes, it would take time to collect all these items, but in the end, it is cheaper than the old way. Now I’m not stating this is a bad idea, just that as of right now it is relatively cheap. IMO, if we still had the crate master collector Medal still available, then a combination of all four would be ideal for prestige. TL;DR +1 for the idea of prestige for collector medals, -1 for just those three.
Cheaper at the current prices, perhaps. It would be very intriguing to see what happens to the prices of emeralds, diamond and nstars if this went into effect, though. That would be a massive spike in demand without a commensurate increase in supply. None of these items is finite in quantity, but they don't exactly grow on trees. I would be in favor of this just because increased demand for rare(ish) commodities could strengthen the economy. Why am I purple now? Is that part of the sponsor thing?
I haven’t even been able to prestige once on Skyblock due to my job taking up too much of my time. I just can’t get on and dedicate the time needed to prestige on Skyblock... and that was when it was 15k in 4 months. It is impossible for me to do it now that I have a time limit of a month or the requirement goes up and up. Bit harsh to have 3 prestiges in a game mode that is pretty impossible for me to achieve. As others have stated, it would be nice if there was some more prestiges on main. Also a bit harsh that some of us lost a prestige cause it was too “pay2win”, however you can just pay others... apparent 3 times now... to prestige you on Skyblock.
Nope. Spoiler Yes, yes, I know everyone here with all three medals is +1'ing the heck out of this. Lol. Sorry. Nope.