I was creating Lift Signs in City and I kept getting obstruction warnings in what appeared to be open areas. I learned that it is because the code of the plugin is thinking the sign is a closed block when it is actually an open block. Video Evidence: The first world is the Archive Server showing old sign behavior regarding other signs. The second is the current behavior in City (Sorry for the lag)
You're Welcome! I just tested it with signs, but I have a feeling this might not work with other non-full passable blocks such as banners, carpet, etc too.
Due to several issues with Mojang considering signs as full blocks now, we've had to break this, to fix this: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/glass-no-longer-works-as-a-floor.179575/ This will be live next maintenance. When it comes to this bug, we will have to wait for a work around in the coming future. In the meantime, you cannot be in the same block as a sign when using lift signs. Mojang really screwed up signs in 1.13.
@andrewkm Signs that are on a ground are obstructed now. Coords of the one that is not working is -226 211 11. Stand on the block where the sign is and try to go down. The bottom sign is on the ground and obstructed (but works the other way around)
Please provide screenshots and a video if you can. It will help the developer understand whats going on.
What are the chances! Both videos were called “000” and I posted the wrong one lol. Here is the real one
Sorry for the late reply. I've been away on travels. It looks like if I stand here, it works fine: Spoiler Meaning one block behind the sign.
@Jdawger I've been able to reproduce this going top to bottom, not the other way around. I've made a report here and we'll wait for the author of Craftbook to respond. https://dev.enginehub.org/youtrack/issue/CRAFTBOOK-3403
I cannot set up my computer right now to test this. Might not be able to confirm it for a while (unless someone else wants to test it )