I received a /mail from _notcj with message "no" today September 20th at 8:32am EST/server time. I was still able to read the message almost an hour later at September 20th 9:25am EST/server time. After that I went to bed and didn't try again until today at September 20th 10:32pm EST/server time when the message was gone.
So at 08:32:00 EST you said the following: Code: Can someone send me a /email? I'm trying to test a bug, thanks. Then at 08:32:29 EST, user DCxCyBeR mailed you saying; Code: DCxCyBeR issued server command: /email buadthan hey I cannot see any emails or mails sent from _notcj to you at the time you stated, the only mail I can see is from DCxCyBeR. Remember /email is the OLD mail system which has now been removed, thus meaning and emails you recieved via /email have now been deleted. I can see that the /email system was removed at around 09:55am EST, so this would explain why you could not see the messages as they were deleted. Also worth noting, when you send someone a mail, you do "/mail send <username> <message>" then to read any NEW mails it's "/mail list" to see any older mails that you have already read, it's "/mail listall"
I never noticed a mail from DCxCyBeR, though I see it was sent through /email, so I may have missed it because I was just looking for /mail. But I did definitely get one from _notcj through /mail, so that's odd it doesn't show up in the logs. Here's a timestamped screenshot I took at the time. EDIT: I also just did another test now and received these mails, I except these to disappear since all the others have. I'll reply if that happens. Here is a timestamped screenshot.
Those last 2 mails did wind up disappearing as well. The last time they existed was 02:49:51 EST/Server Time. The next time I checked after that was at 07:34:21 EST/Server Time and they were gone.
Could you please try using `/mail listall` and seeing if it shows the older messages? I get a feeling this is more a UI issue than messages going missing (mainly as I tripped myself up the same way when fixing some other issue...) Thinking if this is the case, I'll make list and listall act the same? I can only imagine others tripping up with the same thing
Unfortunately I was using /mail listall except when I would first receive the mail, when I would use /mail list. I've just tried /mail listall in game and they are still missing.
This has now been fixed. Please let us know if you find your mail disappears again. It was an issue with the cleanup code, which should be set to 365 days, and I believe was going off in like 1-2 days instead.