Minecraft Name: Monkeyz505 Suggestion: Add the ability to clear a specific mail message, rather than clearing them all at the same time. Reason: So say I have the following messages: Player A: The coords are X:27, Z:398 Player B: Hi Player C: You know, you're really annoying me. Now say I want to keep the message from Player A, but delete the ones from B and C. I would run the command /mail clear 2 3 That command would clear the 2nd and 3rd message, but keep the 1st message for later viewing. Any Other Information: This would be useful for clearing out your mailbox, but keep the ones that are important, or you want to keep because you like them. It seems like a reasonable suggestion, so I thought I'd suggest it. Be sure to take advantage of the poll!
Yes! AND I think using the /mail send should cost money! Just like in real life! they should cost like 2$
Mail has official uses though, like evicting people from towns, and you shouldn't be charged to do that.
This would be completely up to the essentials team. So, we'll have to see if @KHobbits is even willing to attempt it.
+1 Sometimes it is really a pain having to keep dozens of mail just because there is one or two I need saved for future reference. I have always thought it was strange I could not delete certain ones while keeping others. I guess this is just ingrained in the way I think due to IRL brainwashing. lol. Whether there is an option to view mail one at a time and decide to keep/delete them, or whether the mail gets numbered and we can delete by number, I do agree there is a player interest for deleting/keeping specific mail.
I have 97 messages, and I can't see the first couple without going into the launcher/development console. +1
+1 agreed this is only helpful to people especially for reference like emau said. I like the idea of having a data base not made on signs I can have ingame
/mail clear works wonders for this problem - there is no reason I see of ever saving mails - important ones can be screen printed and then cleared.