Minecraft Username: siraj93 Brief Description: I bought a god drop crate, rolled from /cc, and got a magic drop, according to Magic Pickaxe in wiki there should be a silk touch enchantment, but there isn't one, and I tried to mine stone with it and coal ore, but no silk touch effect. How many times did you recreate this?: 1 pick. (mined for an hour already) Result: I received cobble stone and coal. Expected Result: The stone and coal ore blocks to be dropped as is. Evidence:
This was an error with the /cc lore. It is now fixed. The Magic Picks L1/L2 are not meant to have silk touch. (@ClarinetPhoenix Please update this in the wiki and also check that all the ECC and Magic tools are in the wiki and up to date.)
I've gone through and checked all the ECC/Magic Tools against the wiki made sure the wiki matches. Should be all accurate now.