Minecraft Username: Jdawger Brief Description: Magic Axes are having the following issues: - All drops from using the unlimited treefeller disappearing from existence when inventory is full or if the drops outnumber the amount of inventory slots - It is not autoreplanting saplings. I tested it on natural trees and ones I bonemealed, both with the correct sapling of the tree in my inventory (toolbar to be exact) This is during the 24hr magic hours Andrew gave us today Instructions: 1.) Grab a magic I axe that was transferred from ECC 2.0 VIA enderchest (ID #KWBD1ZA3 is the tool I used) 2.) Turn the Treefeller option on the axe VIA right click 3.) Cut some trees. I cut some jungle trees. All were natural. Some were multi-trees, but some were single trees, both oak and jungle trees. (this was specific for the inventory overflow and the items not drop, not the replant) 4.) If inventory is full, items disappear in void and do not drop, and trees do not replant For alternate "trees not replanting," do steps 1 & 2 above, then do this: 3.) Plant a sapling and bonemeal it (with more saplings of same tree in inventory) 4.) Cut it 5.) Sapling does not replant How many times did you recreate this?: Many times, each way Result: - Items get sent to void if inventory full - Trees do not replant Expected Result: - Items, I believe, should just drop on the ground if inventory is full - Saplings should be autoreplanted Evidence: Can't record right now. Let me know if you need it and I can record something quickly
Magic axe works as intended for me. To clarify the expected results: 1) Items do not drop on the ground if inventory is full. 2) Saplings only get autoreplanted if a leaf block is touching a log and the log is touching dirt/grass.
Thanks Video. I wasn't sure if they drop on the ground if inventory is full or if they go in the void. I assumed they dropped on the ground and the wiki (or at least what I read) didn't state one way or another. If they get sent to the void is the intended, then it is working well. For the autoplant, I made sure that the tree was on the ground when I tried each time (esp. the ones I made with bonemeal), the leaves were natural from the tree being grown (on both the natural trees and the bonemealed trees), and as an added bonus, had saplings in my inventory and hotbar. I even tested in global land and in a protected land that I own. So sorry I cannot send a video. I'll send one tomorrow if Andrew cannot reproduce
Looks like as everything is working as intended. If you do continue to experience issues however do let us know.