Magic Armour gives god-mode until log off, even when taken off. Process: Put magic armour on (any piece) Invincible. Take it off. Still invincible.
I cannot replicate this. This is likely either a client-side issue or another feature you have interfering with what should otherwise kill you.
@UnitedStates2 as far as I know Andrew fixed this at the time I filed the report, I was in voice call with him. @xPriamx and @Skaisimmer can confirm this also happened for them as well.
still an issue. I put magic armor on and got @SoccBlocc to punch me, took no damage I then took all the armor off and told him to hit me again and took no damage tested on @blazwura97 and she took damage.
I cannot reproduce this. My testing was done with an alt account and /warp pvp via arena 3. I used a magichelmet for testing. I'll need more information to track this issue down. Server you're on, what magic items you're using, what time this happened, etc. A video would be very helpful as well.
this was fixed for a while after a proxy reset but now this is happening again... 1. go to a pvp arena anywhere on m (I used one at /warp fortunes) 2. put a magic helmet on 3. tell someone to hit you 4. take armor off 5. tell someone to hit you 6. invincible
It's likely latency/lag based, yes. Damage will take effect, just after a bit. There isn't any "invincibility" that lasts more than maybe 5 seconds here.
Time obviously varies. However, I cannot replicate any consistent invincibility. You will always be able to kill a user if you attack for long enough.
Thanks for looking into this. If any users can get this lasting for over a minute or two please let us know. As we are not a PvP server, a 5 second delay won't be a priority fix at this time if this is purely based on TPS delays.
it can lasted 20+ mins for me at one point. was doing some testing with it, then totally forgot I had done the bug. 20 mins later I got punched and still wasn't taking any damage
Honestly, if we were a PvP server, I'd heavily look more into this, but I'm just gonna say eh for now. If it ever becomes a problem staff will take appropriate action. I'll have our dev take a glance at it though, perhaps something sticks out somewhere.