What is your In-Game-Name? PvPMaster911 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? yes 3. Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs? LWC 4. What town are these in? Please provide the town application. This was a town claim: AbsoluteZero https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/town-claim-application-pvpmaster911.171831/ 5. Which world is this town in? Rising 6. Who do these protections belong to? “Unknown” 33de13ec-9b97-44d3-b950-5746ac83e2d5 7. Is the player who owns this/these inactive? Have you asked them to remove them? Please provide any relevant evidence. User was inactive for over 6 months and I claimed the town. 8. Please provide the following information for each area of protections. X Y Z coordinates - Number and Type of Protections 1) 7032/59/4564: 29 Double Chests 2) 7031/64/4560: 11 Double Chests 9. Are any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area? No 10. Why are you requesting these be removed? In active and claimed town. (I claimed town)
@PvPMaster911 User is presumed inactive. (not found on /seen 2ndCrostoShinobi) UUIDs match the username. Request completed, locked. (there were a lot of LWCs in this one request so if I missed anything feel free to PM me)