Ign: frost_29 I needed to remove a random lwc by a banned user, so I asked a supermod if he could do it, he said that I should write a lwc removal application and he would remove right after. I dis, and it took 3 days before it got answered. It was a really wierd reply, someone told me I should ask a random builder to lock it, and the lwc wasn't removed. I asked a supermod after and asked if he could remove now, he said still no. I replied again and the only answer I got was a builder who posted his app as a reply at my application... It took many days and it still haven't been removed, and because of grief problems I need to unlock a lot of lwc, if it takes as long as this every time it will take years. Can you find an easier way to remove lwc, that actually work please? My suggestion was that mayors should be able to remove lwc in their own town, but the topic got locked without giving me ANY answer at all. This really annoys me because I use so much time trying to remove a single lwc and it doesn't work. Maybe my suggestion is bad, but can you still find an easier way to remove lwc? Thanks for reading btw please don't lock this topic without giving me any answers again.
no, this WILL be abused. We have had some supermod demotions so LWC is going to be slowed down a bit, that is until we get new supermods (or when I get a new laptop)
No. Absolutely no way anyone but staff will have LWC removal at any time soon... That will bring a crap load of issues. :/ LWC gets done a couple times every day or two. Any that sit longer than 3 days is likely a trade sign. Only Andrewkm can remove trade signs. He is busy working on the rest of the server. Also, any time we say you need to make an LWC request and we'll do it, doesn't mean we can do it right away.. We go from oldest to newest, or "first come, first serve." Often, there are a few applications already waiting. LWC can take anywhere from 10-45 minutes just for five threads - because often threads have more than one place to unlock things, or people ask us questions as we work - and we can be busy and not have time to do that all in one go. When we don't do it all in one go, people think we skipped them because we don't like them, or any number of other reasons they come up with... :/ I don't think there is a more efficient way to get LWC done faster without giving people way too much power. We have a lot of users on the server, and as Kuke said, we've lost some SuperMods recently. We're trying to keep up, but it's difficult at times.
Thanks for the reply Yes I also see that giving LWC removal to more players will give them much power, but the problem is that it takes too long to get it removed right now. The answar I got on my latest LWC application was totally random and didnt do anything. Well a easier way is just that you can remove many LWC in one application, instead of writing 10 applications if you need to remove 10 LWC, just write them all in one app. It will maybe decrease the time a little bit, for us and for you. Can you also give LWC removal rights to Moderators not only supermoderators? Maybe you need to hire more supermoderators if many just quit. In mine opinion it takes way to long time and supermods are offline way to much, anything that will help is good enough. Well I cant do more about it. Thanks for reading and I hope you do a little change to help this problem
You can already make multiple LWC removal requests in one thread. also we cannot simply get new supermods, supermods are the mods we trust the most. Supermods have to have proven to be trustworthy and useful.
hmm, at least could it be maid so that mayors or presidents can have supermods (if available) remove LWCs on land that they own on the spot, rather than a lengthy LWC removal application? and leave LWCapps for things like the wild, or for residents of the town to sort out.
We require users to make threads so we have a "log" of them in case bug, glitch, exploits, user arguments, etc come up and we have something to refer back to. Also, it's not easy getting more SuperMods... Our recent losses were due to random vanishing without reasons given - likely real life - and they didn't just quit. Kuke is right, though; we need people we trust and know can handle the job. It's a lot more to do than Moderators, and can become tiring and require as much patience as possible. Some of the SuperMods also need computer upgrades or otherwise, since every Minecraft update makes the game slower...