1. What is your In-Game-Name? Lewis_King 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this? Yes 3. Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs? LWC Protections 4. What town are these in? Please provide the town application. BiscuitVille https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/town-mayor-application.98780/#post-498812 5. Which world is this town in? Rising 6. Who do these protections belong to? Fuutons, TrianglePlayer and Phyantom 7. Is the player who owns this/these inactive? Have you asked them to remove them? Please provide any relevant evidence. They have left the server, and I haven't had chance to ask them to undo it, because they have left. 8. Please provide the following information for each area of protections. X Y Z coordinates - Number and Type of Protections 4458 63 1602 4459 63 1615 4457 63 1614 4453 63 1614 4449 63 1614 4445 63 1614 4411 63 1630 4411 63 1632 4408 63 1632 4404 63 1632 4395 63 1616 4407 63 1626 9. Are any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled. No 10. Why are you requesting these be removed? I am requesting these to be moved, because they are in the way and I don't want them there
@Lewis_King you need to look up the UUID on the locks on mcuuid.net to find out who the user is. Also, please include the questions in the request. I will give you 24 hours to do this.