My In-Game-Name is Lewis_King I have read the instructions You will be moving LWC Protections The town they are in is BiscuitVille This is in Rising I don't know who these belong to it states Unknown I think he has left the server so he is inactive, I cant ask them to remove it due to the fact they don't play ECC anymore 1st is 4395 63 1616 2nd is 4411 63 1629 3rd is 4411 63 1632 4th is 4408 63 1632 5th is 4405 63 1632 They aren't listed In a PvP area no They are being requested to be moved is because I have just bought this town and someone has left there chest in my town/city and I want the chests to be moved
@Lewis_King as you still haven't provided the town application for BiscuitVille I will be locking this. Locked