1. What is your In-Game-Name? Kissthis 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? Yes 3. Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade Signs? LWC 4. What town are these in? Please provide the town application as well. Joliet (of which I am co-mayor) https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/mayor-application-oootopia.140966/#post-770130 5. Which world is this town in? Legacy 6. Who do these protections belong to? Fishertwo 7. Is the player who owns this/these inactive? Have you asked them to remove them? Inactive 8. Please provide the following information for each area of protections. -12817,63, 7063 – 2 doors, 2 Chests, 1 furnace. 9. Are any of the protections listed located in a PvP-enabled area? No 10.Why are you requesting these be removed? Town Tidyup